
Day 13 “Advent Calendar 2019” is a woman who reads. REVIEW 60235

On the 13th day, Advent Calendar 2019 is a woman who is reading.

"Advent Calendar 2019" on the 13th day is a woman who is reading

The book is too big for a minifigure, but it is also attractive.

"Advent Calendar 2019" on the 13th day is a woman who is reading

At this angle, I don’t mind the size of the book.

It ’s written as “Once upon a time”. I think that many people have heard this because it has been the title of a Tokyo Disneyland show, American TV drama, and gang movie before.

She may be reading a book to her grandson.

"Advent Calendar 2019" on the 13th day is a woman who is reading

The big glasses and the wrinkles around the eyes make her feel her age, but it’s nice that she keeps her eyes glowing with a gentle expression.

The chair where the wo By the way, the chair on which the woman sits and the light in the back are the rocking chair and reading light introduced yesterday (12/12). It looks like it was made with this set in mind.

"Advent Calendar 2019" on the 13th day is a woman who is reading

Items of “Advent Calendar 2019” to this day.

Click on the dates below for each article in Advent Calendar 2019!

Dec.1st 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 


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