Advent Calendar 2019 on day 16 is a gas stove.

My son told me.
“There were things not in the LEGO package picture”
Today’s item “gas stove” was not drawn on the side, back, or anywhere on the box. It was the first purchase of Advent Calendar itself, but in a sense it was a nice miscalculation.
In addition to the fun of making, such as tools that are not in Japan and small items that are not drawn in the box, there are also elements that you can explore and think about, which is a good toy for children.
Rocking chairs and reading lights that came out a few days ago, and the fireplace that will come out (drawn in a box) have an image, but what does “fry pan” have to do with Christmas? Is there it?
Oh, I can’t imagine.

When I woke up in the morning, my son was arranging the items up to today on the ice rink.If you look closely, the Woodcutter set was like a photograph. (^^)
It looks like a “flag stick” standing on a golf cup.

Items of Advent Calendar 2019 to this day.
9 days from now, Christmas!