
The 7th day of the LEGO Advent Calendar 2019 is a children minifig! REVIEW 60235

7日目の「レゴ アドベントカレンダー2019」は”そばかす太郎くん”

The 7th day of the LEGO Advent Calendar 2019 is a children minifig!

The 7th day of "LEGO Advent Calendar 2019" is "Fresotaro-kun"
Day 7 LEGO Advent Calendar 2019

A child’s mini-fig wearing a hat with a bamboo copter.

I think there are many children who are shy and don’t wear it, so it’s probably a 3-5 year old.

I had a dream of flying in the sky when I was little, but I never forget such a strange experience.

My son said he had ever dreamed of flying in the sky, and he was flying high like a dragon. It’s very different from my flying dream that seems to fall and doesn’t fall. (*^^*)

My son, you will do your best !!

I’m rooting for!!!

The 7th day of "LEGO Advent Calendar 2019" is "Fresotaro-kun"

He has chocolate chip cookies in his hand.

The green sweater you wear is an image of Europe, but in Japan there are fewer children wearing sweaters, I think.

When you take off your sweater, static electricity is amazing.

The 7th day of "LEGO Advent Calendar 2019" is "Fresotaro-kun"

The length of the shadow reflected on the ice is also good like winter, right?!

The 7th day of "LEGO Advent Calendar 2019" is "Fresotaro-kun"

Items up to today. It’s getting lively.

The curling uncle is a special smile.It’s too nice.

I wonder what tomorrow is.

Click on the dates below for each article in Advent Calendar 2019!

Dec.1st 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 


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