
On the 4th day of Lego Advent Calendar 2019, “mysterious individuals” came out! REVIEW 60235

LEGO アドベントカレンダー2019 4日目

Day 4 LEGO Advent Calendar items.

”A mysterious object” came out.

What is this?  | ̄m ̄)

LEGO Advent Calendar 2019 Day 4

It can be seen in the castle, but it may be a church because it’s Christmas.

My son doesn’t know what he is making, so little don’t appropriately.

Wow, the block is not firmly hooked. These can be like a kids job. It’s cute!

LEGO Advent Calendar 2019 Day 4

The son who placing a block assembled on top of a picture drawn on a package.

Oh, maybe. . .

Isn’t this “picture” a hint ?

The fact that it is placed near the snow shovel on the second day advent calendar item is not a castle made using the snow collected by this shovel?!

I think that it is the one of the rough shape because it assumes the one made by the snow by the child.I wonder if it’s different???

As time goes by, accurate information will come out, so let’s just say “snow castle made by children.” ^^

LEGO Advent Calendar 2019 Day 4

Speaking of which, yesterday’s “Carling Uncle”, but I found out that the face is W-face, so I will upload it in the article.

I put it on a snowplow.It looks good on him.

LEGO Advent Calendar 2019 Day 4

This is the item until today.

But it is also interesting that a mysterious object comes out. This is great for end-of-year events because both adults and children can enjoy it.

Click on the dates below for each article in Advent Calendar 2019!

Dec.1st 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 


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