
LEGO “frozen2”. Minifigure Princess Ana and Elsa are popular for their elegant dresses. 41164 & 41168 Reviews 

LEGO 「アナと雪の女王2」

This time, I will introduce mini-figure of Elsa, Anna and Olaf of LEGO “Frozen 2” series which is very popular with girls.


The mini-figure of Elsa, Anna and Olaf in the photo above is popular because it is elegant and the facial expression and dress are cute. 

By the way, Princess Anna and Olaf are from the same package (product), but Elsa was from a different product. 

Elsa is included in “LEGO Disney Princess Anna and Frozen 2 Elsa Jewelry Box 41168” and Anna and Olaf are included in the “LEGO Disney Princess Anna and Frozen 2‟ Magical Tree House “41164 or 41165. It will be.  


The crystal of snow are drawn on Olaf’s body, so it’s cute. 

There are also two types of Olaf minifigures, one with a round block attached to the chest and one in the photo above. I personally like the Olaf in the photo above.  

Speaking of which,  

Rapunzel, the main character of the Disney movie “Rapunzel,” and Anna and Elsa are cousins.I’m surprised.

It seems that Rapunzel was appearing in “Anna and the Snow Queen”, is there anyone who noticed it?

I will rent it again with a rental video and take a look.


Ana and Elsa dresses in this cloak seem to be particularly popular, and it is difficult to get this pair. If you find it in the frea market, it might be better to get it right away.   

↓↓↓ ”LEGO Disney Princess Frozen2 Allendale Castle 41167″ is recommended because Anna and Elsa are set.


Curious Anna is enjoying the snowmobile that came with “LEGO Advent Calendar 2019”. 

Olaf teaches how to ride, and Elsa watches anxiously. 

Although it is an interesting character Olaf, the name comes from reading the English word “Oh! Laugh.” 


 Olaf :  Tell me how to ride a sled. . . 


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