
What to do when the head of the LEGO minifigure does not come off. (How to remove it.)

Ummm, the face of the LEGO minifigure does not move.

Even if I try to turn it powerfully, the head of the LEGO minifigure does not move at all.

Moreover, the bride’s face.I can’t scratch it.

The position of the hair is also strange.

What to do if your LEGO mini-fig doesn't come off (how to remove it)
LEGO Wedding Favor Set 2018 Wedding Drawer Set 40197

The face orientation is not bad at all, but the hair is long and almost fixed.It is understood that the white space is made so that the side of the right eye is strange.

What to do if your LEGO mini-fig doesn't come off (how to remove it)

My hair is long and interferes with my body, so I can hardly move it.※

As a result of various thoughts on how to remove it, I decided to try it using the tools below.

What to do if your LEGO mini-fig doesn't come off (how to remove it)
How to remove the head of a LEGO mini figure

The tools when I took off the head of the minifigure are as follows.


2.Cloth (about 3mm thick)

3.Rubber band

In the above three items.The cloth uses a coaster.

How to remove when the head of the mini figure can not be taken

LEGO Wedding Favor Set 2018 Wedding Drawer Set 40197

1.First, separate the mini-figure and make it head and torso

2.wrap a rubber band around the head

What to do if your LEGO mini-fig doesn't come off (how to remove it)
LEGO Wedding Favor Set 2018 Wedding Drawer Set 40197

3.Wrap the rubber-wrapped head with a piece of cloth, and use radio pliers to pinch the area where the face is not printed (upper right photo). I think the thickness is around 6mm because the cloth is folded in two.

What to do if your LEGO mini-fig doesn't come off (how to remove it)
How to remove when the head of the mini figure can not be taken

4.Secure your head with a radio pliers and turn the torso.

LEGO Wedding Favor Set 2018 Wedding Drawer Set 40197

Well, The bride’s head could be moved safely without scratching.

This time, because I was able to remove LEGO’ head by the method above, people who can not take off the head of the mini figure, please try by all means.


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